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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Angels in Disguise (poem version)

The day had come to fulfill

For this purpose driven life

The day had started counting

To what this life will abide.

Teaching, the mind tells to

Guiding the students, the heart stresses to

They come together, blend by passion

All go forever, achieving a valuable mission.

From the first day of school

All eyes are set to you

To the wholesome being you rule

To the appeal you bear which is not fool.

You impart pertinent information

To replenish one’s precise education

On how to follow the right lead of life

On how to avoid evil and do right.

You continue reminding us to use skills wisely

That can bring us to a good path, undeniably

And that can support our existence worthily

Brighten up the future we want to rejoice wholeheartedly.

In times of failure, you never leave us

Instead, you assist us to stand again with just

You swear to experience authentic development

You keep on saying, “there’s still room for improvement”.

And so, teachers affect eternity

No one can tell where their influence stops

He must handle his job with purity

For the students as he is their model, as such.

The College of Teacher Education

Is born to be worthy of emulation

This is a corpse of teachers who crave for change

That’s why; they dare to make a difference.

Teaching may don’t give royal living

We never hear mentors who become queen and king

But wealth can’t only be seen in material thing

They much go deeply in mutual gaining.

Angels in heaven are said invisible

But angels in land are viewed veritable

Teachers belong to this who aren’t ignorable

Teachers are angels in disguise, that’s really cool!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Angels in Disguise

Life comes in many circumstances

We may not know what lies ahead

But we are definitely sure

That the path we are taking

Will lead us to an everlasting happiness

We take this road not to impress

But to follow the voiceless call

And it’s our mission

We believe that this

Will make us a better person

This profession aims

For holistic development


We teachers pioneers of changes

We dare to make a difference

The College of Teacher Education

Is born to be worthy of emulation

We do what’s right

We discard what’s wrong

We do care our chosen vocation

We dream, we hope for education

We lead, we drive for our nation

CTE is what you are looking for

We affect eternity

No one can ever tell

Where our influence stops

Teachers are Angels in Disguise

We are well-shaped by our Potter’s Hand…

Lyrics By:

Vanisa Diwata

Music By:

Romae Apolinaria

Delemie Buhawe

Sung By:

Aimalyn Celibrado